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Award 2024

Eine Initiative führender Verbände im Straßengüterverkehr

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The Award

Der Eco Performance Award ist Europas renommierter Preis für Nachhaltigkeit im gewerblichen Straßengüterverkehr. Hier bahnen sich die Pioniere der Branche innovative und praxisnahe Wege in die Zukunft. Der Eco Performance Award wird an Unternehmen vergeben, die in der Lage sind, sowohl ökologische, ökonomische als auch soziale Überlegungen zu vereinen. Unsere Jury bewertet neben wirtschaftlichem Erfolg und Umweltschutz auch das Engagement für Mitarbeiter und Gesellschaft. Gegründet im Jahr 2007 wurde der Award erstmals im Jahr 2008 und inzwischen 15 Jahre in Folge vergeben.






What we are looking for

Both innovative measures (e.g. technologies and organisational solutions) are evaluated as well as dependable, application-oriented holistic concepts. Concepts and projects sent in must have been implemented in practice.

Convince us of your sustainability strategy – become a role model for others and benefit from the positive effects of the award.

Start: Details

Company Members



KRAVAG-LOGISTIC ist der Spezialversicherer der R+V Versicherungsgruppe u.a. für Lkw, Sattelzugmaschinen, Busse und andere Nutzfahrzeuge sowie Transportversicherungen aller Art. Als Spezialversicherer verfügt KRAVAG-LOGISTIC über das notwendige Know-how und bündelt die Kompetenz der KRAVAG als den erfahrenen Partner des Strassenverkehrsgewerbes und der R+V Versicherung mit ihrer umfassenden Produktpalette. KRAVAG-LOGISTIC gehört sowohl im Kraftfahrt- als auch im Transportbereich zu den Marktführern in Deutschland.

Schaeffler Group


The Schaeffler Group is a global automotive and industrial supplier. The Schaeffler Group is making a decisive contribution to mobility with its high-precision components and systems in engine, transmission, and chassis applications, in addition to rolling and plain bearing solutions for a large number of industrial applications. Since its beginnings, the Schaeffler company has been characterized by groundbreaking innovations and global customer orientation.

SVG Straßenverkehrsgenossenschaft Süd

Die SVG Süd (Straßenverkehrsgenossenschaft Süd) ist der führende Berater für Transport und Logistik. Das Dienstleistungsportfolio erstreckt sich von Versicherungen, Tankdienstleistungen und Maut über Innovationsthemen und Bildungsangeboten bis hin zum Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz.

Mit der richtigen Beratung steht das 150-köpfige Team kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen bei ihren Herausforderungen zur Seite und unterstützt sie so mit Blick auf ihre Mitarbeitenden, den Fuhrpark und ihre Gebäude.

Seit vielen Jahrzehnten steht der Name der SVG für Zuverlässigkeit, Qualität, für Verantwortung gegenüber Kund:innen und Mitarbeitenden sowie für die Umwelt und die nachfolgenden Generationen. Als Branchengenossenschaft gestaltet sie die Zukunft daher proaktiv und genossenschaflich-nachhaltig mit.



Transcoop09 AG is a cooperation of medium-sized transport and logistics companies. Founded in 2009 by 13 freight forwarders, the initial purpose of the cooperation was the classic exchange of cargo and the optimization of available cargo space. Today, the cooperation spans several business areas, including transport & logistics, insurance and trade. At the beginning of 2024, Transcoop09 consists of 55 member companies from 12 European countries.



Xplanis is an expert in transport management, transport planning and optimization and is perceived as a renowned provider in this segment. Thanks to our fully SaaS-based TMS solution X4fleet, our customers achieve faster and shorter processes, sustainable cost savings and a significant improvement in transparency in the shortest possible time.

Association Members 

ASTAG Swiss Commercial Vehicle Association


On behalf of its members, the Swiss Commercial Vehicle Association ASTAG represents the legitimate interests and concerns of road transport and the transport industry. In addition to commercial goods transportation and company transport for company-owned purposes, ASTAG also represents passenger transport with the two specialist groups Car Tourisme Suisse and taxisuisse. ASTAG has around 3,000 members and around 700 partners in 18 sections, 15 specialist groups, one industry group and four commissions. The level of organization is over 80 percent.

Federal Association of Courier, Express and Postal Services e.V.


Since 1990, the BdKEP has represented the trade policy interests of medium-sized entrepreneurs and companies in the courier, express, parcel and letter services sector and is the point of contact for politicians, ministries, authorities, the press and those interested in the industry. The industry currently generates a turnover of over EUR 27 billion with over 500,000 employees. The BdKEP is committed to open postal markets. To this end, it invites technology providers, CEP companies, institutions and consumer representatives to work together to ensure non-discriminatory access to the postal market for all market participants.

Federal Association of Road Haulage, Logistics and Disposal (BGL) e.V.


The BGL is the umbrella association for road haulage, logistics and waste disposal in Germany and is based in Frankfurt am Main. It represents the professional interests of currently around 7,000 companies organized in its regional associations. These are mainly active in the areas of road freight transportation, logistics, freight forwarding, warehousing and waste disposal.

Federal Association for Economy, Transport and Logistics (BWVL) e. V.

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The Bundesverband Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Logistik (BWVL) e. V. is one of the leading trade associations for companies. As a strong voice, we represent the interests of road haulage, shippers and logistics in politics, business and administration. We are networkers, advisors and supporters - working on behalf of our members.

DSLV German Freight Forwarding and Logistics Association


As the umbrella and federal association, the DSLV represents the cross-modal interests of the 3,000 leading German freight forwarding and logistics service providers through 16 regional state associations. With a total of 600,000 employees and an annual turnover of 135 billion euros, they are an essential part of Germany's third-largest industry.

SPEDLOGSWISS - Association of Swiss Freight Forwarding and Logistics Companies


​SPEDLOGSWISS is the association of Swiss freight forwarding and logistics companies. It is carrier-neutral and represents more than 95% of the forwarding industry in Switzerland. SPEDLOGSWISS represents the interests of 355 member companies from the forwarding and logistics sector.

Accompanying the consortium

Logistics Advisory Experts GmbH

Logistics Advisory Experts GmbH is a consulting company based in Bazenheid in the canton of St.Gallen, which specializes in logistics and supply chain management. With its roots at the University of St.Gallen, LAE stands for innovation transfer and close cooperation with research institutions and expert networks according to the motto "Practice driven, science based".

Venkinto - The logistics software consultancy

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Venkinto supports logistics service providers and software manufacturers in solving their challenges in the areas of digitalization, sales and marketing. Venkinto helps logistics service providers find suitable software providers in the shortest possible time and logistics software manufacturers are made strategically and operationally fit for the expansion of their sales and marketing organization. 

Aerial View of Curved Road

Do not hesitate to contact us directly for any inquiries regarding the award.

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