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Timeline & Hall of fame | 2008 - 2023
History of the Award
In 2008, the price was awarded for the first time at a ceremony during the DVZ Future Days 2008.

Extension to include the category " large companies" due to a large number of applications and interest.

Extension of the scope to encompass "multimodal transport".
Internationalization of the prize, with the winner of the award coming from Turkey for the first time.
Expansion to include the "start-up" category to recognize the growing importance of young companies.
Extension to create the category "Transformer of the Year".
Founding of the Eco Performance Award by the Chair of Logistics Management at the University of St.Gallen and DKV Euro Service as initiator..

Expansion with the "Innovation" category, which was won by a supplier of container systems.

The category "Transformer of the Year" rewards particularly sustainable transformation processes in road freight transport. Explicitly, software firms with a (service) offering related to road freight transport can apply.
Award Winners
List of current and past Eco Performers
With a longstanding history, the award's list of winners is also extensive. As the state of technology and public sentiment has evolved, so has the Eco Performance Award, which is reflected in the improvement of winning concepts and the high standards participants face today. All award winners on this list and the people who helped to implement the sustainable initiatives can feel a sense of pride in their commitment and contribution to a more sustainable society.
Award Winners 2023
The Eco Performance Awards 2023 were presented on May 8, 2023 as part of the transport logistic trade fair in Munich. The award winners in the individual categories were Grünfuchs Logistik GmbH (start-up), Kummen Kerzers AG (SME) and Seifert Logistics Group (large company) as Eco Performers 2023.
Seifert Logistics Group
Holistic sustainability strategy with a long-term vision

Eco Performer "Large Companies" 2023
The Seifert Logistics Group impressed the EPA jury with its holistic sustainability strategy, which is an integral part of the corporate strategy. It includes comprehensive packages of measures for the three pillars of ecology, economy and social affairs, which are in line with the mission to "sustainably improve the backbone of society - logistics".
The visible flagship of the ongoing transformation is the sustainable construction of the new Ulm headquarters along the A8 motorway in the north of Ulm. In addition to technical innovations in warehouse logistics, such as the use of drones for stocktaking or intelligent lighting control systems, the Ulm headquarters offers the company the opportunity to rely on local, self-generated energy when converting the vehicle fleet to alternative drive systems thanks to the photovoltaic system, which can be gradually expanded to up to 5.5 MWp. The installation of the photovoltaic system will enable the 45 Seifert Logistics sites to be supplied entirely with electricity from their own production in future. Scope 2 emissions from electricity consumption are set to be reduced by 51% this year. Thanks to its own electricity production, the company is also looking into the implementation of (green) hydrogen production in order to make itself suitable for the use of hydrogen trucks. Last year, Seifert committed to the 1.5°C target of the Science Based Targets initiative and is currently in the validation process for recognition.
In terms of social transformation, the jury was impressed by the comprehensive range of benefits offered to employees. In addition to a modern office environment with ergonomic workstations in a spacious open-plan office, the Seifert Logistics Group also offers all employees at its headquarters an in-house fitness studio with a wide range of courses that can be used free of charge. On the culinary front, Seifert Logistics offers a subsidized menu created in collaboration with nutritionists in the company restaurant "Franzl".
Krummen Kerzers
Swiss e-truck pioneer with commercial world record journey across Europe
Eco Performer "Small and Medium-sized Companies" 2023
The Swiss logistics service provider Krummen Kerzers, which focuses on the national and international temperature-controlled transportation of food and pharmaceutical products, came out on top in the small and medium-sized enterprises category against Bächle Logistics from Villingen-Schwenningen. The Swiss company impressed the jury with its sustainability strategy, which it has been consistently pursuing and implementing for years. Krummen Kerzers is the only Swiss transport company to have committed to the 1.5°C target of the Science Based Targets initiative. In concrete terms, this means a 46% reduction in CO2e by 2030 compared to 2019.
Krummen Kerzers particularly impressed the jury with its world record for the longest commercial journey by an electric truck in January 2023, a pioneering achievement and a unique selling point in the industry. From Zurich to Valencia and back, 20 tons of organic oranges were transported to Switzerland over a distance of more than 3,000 km - saving around 3 tons of CO2 compared to a journey by diesel truck. Although the journey still involved considerable planning effort, uncertainties and an extra day's travel time, it shows one thing: It works! Or as the company would put it "Doing is like wanting. Only more blatant". For the EPA jury, this makes the company a pioneer in the use of e-trucks in long-distance freight transport.
And the transformation continues: in the coming months, Krummen Kerzers will be putting further Volvo, Scania and Designwerk e-trucks into operation in order to have 18 fully electric tractor units in its fleet by the beginning of 2024.

Sustainable, local and smart parcel delivery on the last mile
Eco Performer "Start-Up" 2023
The Göttingen-based start-up Grünfuchs Logistik has taken on the challenge of handling parcel deliveries on the last mile in a comprehensive and sustainable manner, supporting local retailers in competition with large e-commerce platforms. With its innovation "made in Göttingen", Grünfuchs has impressed with its high level of penetration in Göttingen - over 140 retailers are already connected to the platform and process parcel deliveries via the network. The EPO jury chose Grünfuchs over the Graz-based start-up s2 data & algorithms and its "Masterscheduler" software solution.
The climate-neutral delivery of goods and services through the use of electric cargo bikes and intelligent route management with comprehensively digitalized and automated processes won over the jury. One success factor is the so-called "micro-hub", a particularly space-efficient, automated sorting system that makes it possible to sort large quantities of parcels in a confined space and with very few personnel - ideal for urban logistics.
While the company is already firmly established in Göttingen, the concept is to be transferred to other German cities this year. In contrast to other concepts for urban logistics, Grünfuchs is very advanced in terms of implementation. Its local roots in the Göttingen region also help. The "local2local" approach offers the potential to be implemented in other cities via locally anchored Grünfuchs companies.
Award Winners 2022
On March 22, 2022, the jury chaired by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stölzle (Institute for Supply Chain Management at the University of St. Gallen) presented the Eco Performance Awards 2022 for the second time in an all-digital award ceremony (organized and conducted by Transporeon). The award was given in three of the four award categories this year. In the "Large Companies" category, the Österreichische Post was honored. Trailer Dynamics GmbH from Germany won against strong competition in the "Start-Ups" category. The final in the "Transformer of the Year" category was won by xpack green logistics from Dortmund. No award was granted in the "Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises" category in 2022.

Österreichische Post AG
Eco Performer "Large Companies", 2022
All letters and parcels in Austria are to be delivered completely emission-free by the Österreichische Post 2030. To this end, electric vehicles and bicycles are being used on a large scale, for which intelligent charging solutions are being implemented. In Graz, the ambitious goal of entirely emission-free delivery has already been achieved. Through purely electric delivery in the city area, the annual diesel consumption of 170,000 litres can be completely replaced by green electricity, saving almost 420 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. In other Austrian cities, delivery is already almost free of greenhouse gas emissions as well. In the city of Graz, the concept has already been fully implemented. However, the measures go beyond delivery. Among other things, compensatory areas for biodiversity conservation are created and managed, and wooden roofs are installed in the parcel centres. In line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, 14 key economic, ecological and social issues are addressed in the "Master Plan" for 2030. The plan is to be implemented in three stages: Firstly, by avoiding emissions and increasing efficiency; secondly, through alternative technologies and forms of energy; and thirdly, through compensation and climate protection projects.

Trailer Dynamics GmbH
Eco Performer "Start-ups", 2022
The electrification of road freight transport is challenging due to numerous technological and economic obstacles. The Trailer Dynamics concept highlights an innovative solution, applicable to different drive technologies, with its electrified trailer. With an integrated, purely electric driveline, the trailer can support tractor units and thus convert diesel-powered tractor units into plug-in hybrids. Electric tractors, on the other hand, achieve significant gains in range thanks to the so-called Newton eTrailer. In principle, the trailer is compatible with all current manufacturers and technologies. This is made possible by a specially developed system that controls the trailer via sensors in real time. Overall, diesel and CO2 savings of almost 20% can be reached. In combination with other Trailer Dynamics solutions that improve aerodynamics, for example, further savings can be achieved. The total cost of ownership is said to be significantly lower than for a diesel truck with a standard trailer or for a system with a battery-electric tractor. In addition, energy is recovered via recuperation, which feeds the on-board battery system.

xpack green logistics GmbH & Co. KG
Eco Performer "Transformer of the Year", 2022
Disposable packaging in e-commerce and parcel delivery generates large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions and a considerable amount of waste every year. In addition, the packaging process is often labour-intensive and inefficient. Despite the numerous different types available, parcels are often sent with a lot of empty space, which is why additional filling material is required. All these problems are to be addressed and solved by xpack's reusable shipping packaging. The packaging can be used many times and can be recycled afterwards. In addition, xpack packaging is initially produced from recycled material. The packaging is said to be more robust and more resistant to moisture and dirt than conventional cardboard boxes. The packaging size can be customised. In addition, the packaging can be stacked and nested, which opens up new application possibilities. Sensors can be integrated for shipment tracking and IoT applications. In addition to the packaging itself, the returnable system that regulates the use and return of the cartons is also important. The boxes can be used via a performance-based pricing model ("Pay-Per-Use"). An incentive system was created to increase the willingness to return. In addition to waste reduction, packaging-induced emissions can be reduced by up to 80% and shipping-induced emissions by 50%. Through TyrePack, a reusable packaging for car wheels, the initiators of xpack have provided a proof of concept for the product, demonstrating the marketability of the solution.
Award Winners 2020
On March 18, 2021, the jury chaired by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stölzle (Institute of Supply Chain Management at the University of St. Gallen) presented the Eco Performance Awards 2020 at a digital event hosted by Transporeon (Premiumpartner of the award).
Two companies from Switzerland were able to win the awards in the categories "large company" (Genossenschaft Migros Ostschweiz) and "Small and medium sized companies" (Schöni Transport AG). The winner in category "start-ups" is Park Your Truck GmbH from Germany. Last but not least the "Transformer of the Year" was awarded to Integre Trans GmbH from Lithuania.

Genossenschaft Migros Ostschweiz
Eco Performer "Large Companies", 2020
Avoid, shift and improve form the core of the sustainability strategy of the Migros cooperative in eastern Switzerland. Under the motto "Avoidance is the most effective sustainability measure," Migros has thoroughly revised its route planning. Better capacity utilization and optimized route plans avoid empty runs and reduce truck kilometers. Long-distance transports in particular are being shifted to rail. In the near future, rail will also transport sensitive and perishable product groups such as rolls and flowers. Through regional promotion, Migros is also transforming the region of eastern Switzerland from a pure importer to a producer of sustainable, i.e. green fuels (primarily biogas and hydrogen).

Schoeni Transport AG
Eco Performer "Small and Medium-sized Companies", 2020
Schoeni is working towards becoming the first Swiss transport company to drive completely carbon free by the end of 2023. To achieve its goals, the company is testing future technologies such as hydrogen drives. Transitional technologies such as biodiesel from slaughterhouse waste are also being used. As a result, Schoeni is already saving a considerable amount of carbon emissions in road freight transport. The other side of the coin is that the company has to bear the cost of potential failures such as engine damage due to the expiry of the manufacturer's warranty. In addition, Schoeni is increasingly focusing on unaccompanied combined road/rail freight transport.

Park Your Truck GmbH
Eco Performer "Start-ups", 2020
Park Your Truck convinced the jury with its concept of generating truck parking spaces and ensuring carbon savings by avoiding search traffic. A total of 30,000 additional parking spaces will be created by the end of 2021. A reservation system will eliminate the tedious search for parking spaces. This will save almost five tons of carbon emissions per truck and year. Another advantage for truck drivers: Parking spaces booked via Park Your Truck are safe and have a good infrastructure with sanitary facilities and catering options nearby.

Integre Trans GmbH
Eco Performer "Transformer of the Year", 2020
Already today, all 500 of Integre Trans' semitrailer trucks meet the EURO-6 standard and are equipped with the latest navigation and shipment tracking systems. When purchasing new trucks, the company relies on natural gas-powered vehicles. This significantly reduces both carbon emissions and consumption. Ten percent of the entire vehicle fleet is to be converted to natural gas by 2025. Integre Trans also promotes social sustainability in the region and among its employees. The Lithuanian transport and logistics company impressed the jury with its holistic, sustainable corporate DNA.
Award Winners 2019
On 5 June 2019, the winners of the Eco Performance Award 2019 were honoured on the DKV stand at the transport logistic trade fair in Munich. This year for the first time the expert jury consisting of renowned industry representatives selected four companies:
The Coop Cooperative from Switzerland was able to assert itself in the large company category whilst Rigterink Logistik GmbH & Co. KG from Nordhorn scored in the mid-sized companies category. The winner in the start-ups category is RYTLE GmbH from Bremen. The "Special Innovation Prize" was awarded for the first time: this goes to Holland Container Innovations Nederland B.V., based in Delft, the Netherlands.

Coop Genossenschaft
Large Company Eco Performer, 2019
Together with a large number of partners, Coop as enabler has set up the H2 complete system and created the precondition for mobility in the closed water cycle. Fuel cell vehicles convert the sustainable H2 into electricity, which drives the electric motor. In the end only water vapour escapes from the exhaust. The new form of mobility avoids emission of CO2, nitrogen and sulphur oxides and soot particles. In addition to twelve business cars, Coop also owns an H2-powered truck which is also a world's first. Compared to conventional trucks it produces 70 - 80 tons less CO2 per year. Coop's dense network of filling stations provides ideal conditions for implementation.

Rigterink Logistik GmbH & Co. KG
Mid-sized Company Eco Performer, 2019
The family-run, mid-sized food logistics company won the jury over with its holistic sustainability concept. The aim is to continuously reduce CO2 emissions and increase employee satisfaction and loyalty. Accordingly, a number of measures have been implemented in recent years such as conversion to Euro 6, the use of electric and hybrid trucks, the use of drones in the warehouse, the installation of photovoltaic systems, intelligent LED lighting in the warehouse and much more.
According to the motto of "If we all work together, we can achieve a lot", the entire team is involved in the project – from trainees to executives.

Start-up Eco Performer, 2019
This start-up company has set itself the goal of developing a holistic and innovative logistics solution for the last mile. The developed logistics solution takes into account social developments such as digitalised networking, the booming online trade sector and rising parcel volumes. “RYTLE – the smart move” consists of the four directly matched components MovR, BOX, HUB and APP to revolutionise the supply chain and transport in the last mile.
Award Winners 2019
On 5 June 2019, the winners of the Eco Performance Award 2019 were honoured on the DKV stand at the transport logistic trade fair in Munich. This year for the first time the expert jury consisting of renowned industry representatives selected four companies:
The Coop Cooperative from Switzerland was able to assert itself in the large company category whilst Rigterink Logistik GmbH & Co. KG from Nordhorn scored in the mid-sized companies category. The winner in the start-ups category is RYTLE GmbH from Bremen. The "Special Innovation Prize" was awarded for the first time: this goes to Holland Container Innovations Nederland B.V., based in Delft, the Netherlands.

Coop Genossenschaft
Large Company Eco Performer, 2019
Together with a large number of partners, Coop as enabler has set up the H2 complete system and created the precondition for mobility in the closed water cycle. Fuel cell vehicles convert the sustainable H2 into electricity, which drives the electric motor. In the end only water vapour escapes from the exhaust. The new form of mobility avoids emission of CO2, nitrogen and sulphur oxides and soot particles. In addition to twelve business cars, Coop also owns an H2-powered truck which is also a world's first. Compared to conventional trucks it produces 70 - 80 tons less CO2 per year. Coop's dense network of filling stations provides ideal conditions for implementation.

Rigterink Logistik GmbH & Co. KG
Mid-sized Company Eco Performer, 2019
The family-run, mid-sized food logistics company won the jury over with its holistic sustainability concept. The aim is to continuously reduce CO2 emissions and increase employee satisfaction and loyalty. Accordingly, a number of measures have been implemented in recent years such as conversion to Euro 6, the use of electric and hybrid trucks, the use of drones in the warehouse, the installation of photovoltaic systems, intelligent LED lighting in the warehouse and much more.
According to the motto of "If we all work together, we can achieve a lot", the entire team is involved in the project – from trainees to executives.

Start-up Eco Performer, 2019
This start-up company has set itself the goal of developing a holistic and innovative logistics solution for the last mile. The developed logistics solution takes into account social developments such as digitalised networking, the booming online trade sector and rising parcel volumes. “RYTLE – the smart move” consists of the four directly matched components MovR, BOX, HUB and APP to revolutionise the supply chain and transport in the last mile.
Award Winners 2019
On 5 June 2019, the winners of the Eco Performance Award 2019 were honoured on the DKV stand at the transport logistic trade fair in Munich. This year for the first time the expert jury consisting of renowned industry representatives selected four companies:
The Coop Cooperative from Switzerland was able to assert itself in the large company category whilst Rigterink Logistik GmbH & Co. KG from Nordhorn scored in the mid-sized companies category. The winner in the start-ups category is RYTLE GmbH from Bremen. The "Special Innovation Prize" was awarded for the first time: this goes to Holland Container Innovations Nederland B.V., based in Delft, the Netherlands.

Coop Genossenschaft
Eco Performer "Large Companies", 2019
Together with a large number of partners, Coop as enabler has set up the H2 complete system and created the precondition for mobility in the closed water cycle. Fuel cell vehicles convert the sustainable H2 into electricity, which drives the electric motor. In the end only water vapour escapes from the exhaust. The new form of mobility avoids emission of CO2, nitrogen and sulphur oxides and soot particles. In addition to twelve business cars, Coop also owns an H2-powered truck which is also a world's first. Compared to conventional trucks it produces 70 - 80 tons less CO2 per year. Coop's dense network of filling stations provides ideal conditions for implementation.

Rigterink Logistik GmbH & Co. KG
Eco Performer "Small and Medium-sized Companies", 2019
The family-run, mid-sized food logistics company won the jury over with its holistic sustainability concept. The aim is to continuously reduce CO2 emissions and increase employee satisfaction and loyalty. Accordingly, a number of measures have been implemented in recent years such as conversion to Euro 6, the use of electric and hybrid trucks, the use of drones in the warehouse, the installation of photovoltaic systems, intelligent LED lighting in the warehouse and much more.
According to the motto of "If we all work together, we can achieve a lot", the entire team is involved in the project – from trainees to executives.

Eco Performer "Start-ups", 2019
This start-up company has set itself the goal of developing a holistic and innovative logistics solution for the last mile. The developed logistics solution takes into account social developments such as digitalised networking, the booming online trade sector and rising parcel volumes. “RYTLE – the smart move” consists of the four directly matched components MovR, BOX, HUB and APP to revolutionise the supply chain and transport in the last mile.

Holland Container Innovations Nederland B.V.
Eco Performer "Special Innovation Award", 2019
Holland Container Innovations is the developer of 4FOLD, the world's first ISO- and CSC-certified collapsible shipping container. 4FOLD can be folded to 25 percent of its volume, allowing four folded containers to be stacked to form a continuous bundle. This bundle can be handled like a container and thus saves empty transport, handling and storage. The collapsible containers reduce emissions due to a reduction of container movements and also create additional capacity for other shipments. Calculations have shown that savings can amount to up to 20% of the total CO2 emissions from trucks.
Award Winners 2018
The EPA jury of renowned representatives from the industry met in the Radschlägersaal room of the Rheinterrasse in Düsseldorf on 20th June and rewarded companies from the commercial cargo transport sector for their pioneering roles in the field of sustainability. The award ceremony took place during PTV Group’s FIT FOR PROFIT conference. Ludwig Meyer GmbH & Co. KG was the successful company in the “Established companies” category, Cargonexx GmbH was rewarded in the “Start-ups” category.

Ludwig Meyer GmbH & Co. KG
Large Company Eco Performer, 2018
Die Ludwig Meyer GmbH & Co. KG wurde für ihre Pionierarbeit in den Bereichen Elektromobilität und beim Einsatz von CNG-betriebenen Lkw ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen unterhält bereits seit 2009 umweltschonende CNG-Fahrzeuge sowie Hybrid-Lkw. Ein Fuhrpark-Management-System versorgt die Mitarbeiter mit allen relevanten technischen Daten. So kann der Fuhrparkmanager nachvollziehen, welche Fahrzeuge mit welchen Komponenten für welche Art von Tour optimal sind. Das spart Kraftstoff, vermindert den Verschleiß und schont die Umwelt. Die Ludwig Meyer GmbH & Co. KG ist das erste Unternehmen, das den Eco Performance Award bereits zum zweiten Mal gewinnen konnte.

Cargonexx GmbH
Start-up Eco Performer, 2018
Cargonexx GmbH is the first company in the transport industry to use self-learning algorithms to predict electricity spot-market prices and charging currents. By using smart data and artificial intelligence, the number of empty run journeys is reduced, which in turn lowers transaction costs. Companies charging their vehicles do so at a more economic price, hauliers minimise their costs and transport companies increase their utilisation factors – resulting in reduced traffic and environmental loads.
Award Winners 2017
Already for the tenth time, distribution companies with especially sustainable business practice were distinguished with the Eco Performance Award on 8 May 2017. In this anniversary year the coveted accolade was awarded in the "small and mid-sized companies" category as well as in the newly created "start-ups" category. BODAN GmbH was the successful company in the small and mid-sized companies, with InstaFreight GmbH winning among the start-ups.

Small and Mid-sized Company Eco Performer, 2018
In the "small and mid-sized companies" category BODAN GmbH was distinguished, a company specialising in nationwide foodstuff transport. The ambitious targets of the company and the highly detailed description of measures required for this purpose – as well as their verifiably consistent implementation – won over the jury of specialists. The company aims to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of its truck fleet down to 0 % until 2020. To achieve this the diesel required for transport cooling and powering the vehicles is to be replaced with a diesel substitute. The company is temporarily using both natural gas trucks, partly powered by biogas from foodstuff waste, and hybrid vehicles. To reduce the operational volume of traffic to a minimum the company uses combined traffic, shortens its own delivery distances by cooperating with partners, delivers increasingly at night and favours seasonal, regionally-based foods.

InstaFreight GmbH
Start-up Eco Performer, 2018
The winner in the "start-ups" category – InstaFreight GmbH – specialises in track and trace/visibility (consignment tracking) and fleet scheduling, i.e. vehicle deployment control. Clients can digitally book transports immediately over a platform, and the InstaFreight solution scored with its exemplary coverage of all three sustainability pillars. InstaFreight achieves ecological benefits because its range of services includes saving costs due to improved driver performance, in turn leading to 15 % more client utilisation. From an ecological point of view the use of InstaFreight products positively impacts CO2 emmissions because existing telematics devices can continue to be used. The solution also has a social aspect because the product integrates the environment of the employee (e.g. scheduling) into driver motivation.
Award Winners 2016
The specialist jury of renowned representatives from the sector has made its decision once again: the coveted sustainability award has now been awarded for the ninth time to companies adopting a pioneering role with sustainability. With small and mid-size companies, Ludwig Meyer GmbH & Co. KG managed to convince the specialist jury, and Berliner Stadtreinigungsbetriebe were successful in the large companies category. An especially innovative and sustainable solution for special requirements outside of the core distribution business was awarded a special prize for the first time: the ECO Honor Award goes to Deutsche Post DHL for its Streetscooter project.
The celebratory award ceremony took place on the opening day of the IAA Commercial Vehicles in the exclusive Peppermint Pavilion in Hanover.

Ludwig Meyer GmbH & Co. KG
Small and Mid-sized Company Eco Performer, 2016
In the "small and mid-sized companies" category BODAN GmbH was distinguished, a company specialising in nationwide foodstuff transport. The ambitious targets of the company and the highly detailed description of measures required for this purpose – as well as their verifiably consistent implementation – won over the jury of specialists. The company aims to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of its truck fleet down to 0 % until 2020. To achieve this the diesel required for transport cooling and powering the vehicles is to be replaced with a diesel substitute. The company is temporarily using both natural gas trucks, partly powered by biogas from foodstuff waste, and hybrid vehicles. To reduce the operational volume of traffic to a minimum the company uses combined traffic, shortens its own delivery distances by cooperating with partners, delivers increasingly at night and favours seasonal, regionally-based foods.

Berliner Stadtreinigungsbetriebe
Large Company Eco Performer, 2016
This year's winner in the large company category are the Berliner Stadtreinigungsbetriebe. The company specialises in general cargo and consolidated goods. Around half of its vehicles are tanked with climate-neutral biogas, thus saving around 2.5 million litres of diesel each year. Gas-operated vehicles are also significantly quieter and emit no particulate matter. Fermentation residues produced from fermentation are used in the farming sector as humus fertiliser. A further part of the biomethane is used by the company for operating a block power heating station to generate electricity and heat. In total, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 9,000 tonnes each year. The Berliner Stadtreinigung thus assumes a role model function for the entire sector.

Deutsche Post DHL
ECO Honor Award
The ECO Honor Award celebrates its premiere in 2016. The special prize honours companies with concept expertise outside of the classic core distribution business that still radiates innovative strength. For its pioneering role with completely emission-free supply concepts in the last mile, the team from Deutsche Post DHL receives the honour award for its Streetscooter project. The new design of a serial production-ready and low cost electric vehicle and an innovative view of the complete topic of vehicle development convinced the specialist jury.
Award Winner 2015
The eighth Eco Performance Award competition found a worthy winner. Following detailed assessment by the high-calibre jury of experts of all concepts submitted, the winner was clear. This year's Eco Performance Award ceremony took place on 4 May in Munich on the occasion of the transport logistic, the leading fair in the branch. As in previous years, Gaby Papenburg hosted the gala event and was highly enthusiastic about all nominated sustainability concepts. Dr. Hufnagl awarded the Eco Performance Award 2015 to the proud winning company.

Contargo GmbH & Co. KG
Eco Performer, 2015
When it's about the ideal utilisation of combined traffic, Contargo GmbH & Co. KG from Duisburg certainly cannot be ignored. The combined use of various traffic methods relieves both trucks and roads and ideally exploits the capacity of available rail and inland waterway resources. As a consequence, up to 60 % in greenhouse gas emissions can be saved.
The company became aware of the necessity for implementing sustainability 20 years ago, and has been offering customers a CO2 calculator for many years for simply and reliably calculating transport-related greenhouse gas emissions.
In-house use of energy-saving and recovery technologies was a convincing argument, as well as the environmental certification of all Contargo locations. Employees are also supported in their contribution to sustainability – as part of a campaign over several weeks, employees saved more than 7,000 car kilometres by doing without their own car on the way to work.
Award Winner 2014

Elflein Spedition & Transport GmbH
Eco Performer, 2014
The transport and logistics company Elflein from Bamberg in Bavaria convinced the jury of experts headed by Professor Dr. Stölzle from the University of St. Gallen with its sustainability concept implemented across all company facets and levels and by all employees. With its establishment of transport fleet innovations, the use of alternative drives and energy sources, the supply of qualified training programmes and its charitable and social range of commitment, the company fulfilled all three disciplines of the Eco Performance Award with distinction. Elflein joins company with the previous proud winners to benefit from all the benefits of the award.
The transport and logistics company Elflein from Bamberg in Bavaria convinced the jury of experts headed by Professor Dr. Stölzle from the University of St. Gallen with its sustainability concept implemented across all company facets and levels and by all employees. With its establishment of transport fleet innovations, the use of alternative drives and energy sources, the supply of qualified training programmes and its charitable and social range of commitment, the company fulfilled all three disciplines of the Eco Performance Award with distinction. Elflein joins company with the previous proud winners to benefit from all the benefits of the award.
Award Winners 2013
In 2013, the Eco Performance Award was already awarded for the sixth time in the two categories of large companies and small and medium-sized enterprises. The prize-giving ceremony was hosted in Munich for the first time, in the run-up to transport logistic 2013, the International Exhibition for Logistics and Mobility. With the small and medium-sized enterprises, Erhard Wagner & Sohn GmbH was successful at convincing the expert jury. In the category of large companies, Seifert Logistics GmbH prevailed. With the prize, the winners are awarded the Eco Performance Award seal for the first time. This award characterises companies as pioneers for sustainable implementations in the European transport and logistics branch.

Erhard Wagner & Sohn GmbH
Mid-sized Company Eco Performer, 2013
The medium-sized enterprise, Erhard Wagner & Sohn GmbH, convinced the expert jury with its high degree of self-initiative and an innovative idea that has the purpose of increasing the eco performance. With the development of the so-called Green Box, a device for capturing and processing vehicle data, a system was created by means of which all factors that impact fuel consumption can be isolated and evaluated. Already within a short period of time, the company was able to reduce its fuel consumption significantly and considerably cut down on its carbon dioxide emission. In addition, thanks to the box, additional optimisation measures could be launched regarding the vehicles, the compressor use and disposition.

Seifert Logistics GmbH
Large Company Eco Performer, 2013
In the category of large companies, the conclusive overall concept of Seifert Logistics GmbH from Ulm clearly asserted itself in comparison to its competitors. With the comprehensive package of measures, within the context of ecology, the logistics company has set exemplary standards in the field of environmental protection. Today already, 98 percent of the vehicle fleet consists of Euro 5 vehicles. With additional measures, such as regular training of the staff in driving simulators, which is targeted at reducing fuel consumption, or by means of optimisation in the route planning with the support of an own IT system, the company has been successful at attaining a reduction of 20 percent in the average CO2 emission to date. Attention is also paid to environmental protection at the company’s locations, and here up to 55 percent environmentally friendly fuels are used.
Award Winners 2012
For the first time in 2012, three transport companies were awarded the Eco Performance Award in the categories of "large companies" and "smaller and mid-sized companies" due to their convincing concepts in the area of sustainability. The jury of experts were impressed by the diversity of the concepts and the differing approaches to sustainability. Allow yourself to be inspired by the various approaches.

Camion Transport AG
Large Company Eco Performer, 2012
The Swiss services company for transport and logistics (CAMION TRANSPORT AG) scored points with its successful combination of the three aspects of economy, environmental protection and social commitment according to the label of "Eco Balance by CAMION TRANSPORT". This program groups together all environmental company activities. Differing topics were taken into consideration, ranging from driver training to energy-optimised building constructions. It was very noticeable that a focus was always placed on people. In this vein, the Swiss company is donating its complete winner's prize money to the "miva" charity.

Ekol Logistics
Large Company Eco Performer, 2012
The range of activities of the Turkish company Ekol Logistics also convinced the jury with its wide responsibility towards both the environment and society. A consistently implemented fundamental strategy lies behind the slogan of "logistics for a better world". The company depends on a modern and environmentally friendly truck fleet and increasing use of transport via ship and railway routes. Commitment to society its shown by Ekol Logistics with its targeted support for non-governmental organizations (NGO) that are themselves active in the support of social and cultural values.

Max Müller Spedition
Mid-sized Company Eco Performer, 2012
Due to a wide variety of innovative measures, especially in the sectors of logistics property and transport fleets, Max Müller Spedition from Opfenbach in Allgäu was distinguished as winner in the "smaller and mid-sized companies" category. The company not only managed to save costs but also to relieve the environment by the close and efficient combination of economic and ecological principles. The step-by-step renewal of its fleet and new construction of the logistics centre heated completely with regenerative energy are only sub-projects within the logistics company's concept for sustainability.
Award Winners 2011
Also in 2011, the Eco Performance Award was presented to ecologically aspiring companies. In the category "Small and Medium-sized Companies" (up to 50 trucks), H. Ristelhueber Spedition from Waldshut (Germany) placed at the top. The winner in the category "Large Companies"(> 50 vehicles) was Spedition Meyer & Meyer from Osnabrück.

Meyer & Meyer SE & Co. KG
Large Company Eco Performer, 2011
Due to a commendable management with respect to energy utilisation and generation, Spedition Meyer & Meyer from Osnabrück was selected as winner in the large company category. The company covers the energy consumption of its IT department through an innovative, gas-powered combined heat and power (CHP) station. Furthermore, six CHP plants assure an efficient power generation. Since late 2010, Meyer & Meyer is utilising two electric trucks for store deliveries in the greater Berlin-Brandenburg region. This progressive pilot project is still the exception in the carrier industry. Just like Spedition Ristelhueber, the carrier is also using photovoltaics systems to generate eco power. Societal commitment within its own business is displayed by Meyer & Meyer by providing a company nursery.

Spedition Ristelhueber GmbH
Mid-sized Company Eco Performer, 2011
As winner of medium-sized company Eco Performance Award, Spedition Ristelhueber strives to represent societal commitment as part of the external company culture. By founding the charitable foundation Ristelhueber-Stiftung, the family-owned company is returning a part of its own success to society. With this objective in mind, the foundation is providing support for the funding of training and educational facilities for children and young people. In addition to social objectives, Ristelhueber is pursuing a philosophy of sustainable business activities. Even without statutory requirements, the carrier utilises efficient telematics systems for controlling the fuel consumption of the 47 trucks. The carrier acts similarly future-oriented in the area of energy consumption: Installed on the roofs of the warehouses are photovoltaics systems for power generation.
Award Winners 2010
Among the concepts submitted, in 2010 two companies dominated with innovative ideas and solution approaches, Löb GmbH from Werneck (Germany) among the small and medium-sized companies and Boll Logistik from Meppen (Lower Saxony, Germany) among the large companies, when the expert jury made its selection.

Löb GmbH
Mid-sized Company Eco Performer, 2010
Löb GmbH from Werneck enthused the expert jury with an innovative sustainability concept in the SME category. Particularly convincing for the experts was that the company did not only implement sustainable and, more importantly, interconnected measures, but also expanded these by new and successful areas of business. For example, through the installation of a photovoltaics system power that is not used by the company itself, is fed into the local grid. In the company's own fleet, Löb is counting on Euro 5 as well as EEV vehicles and modern telematics systems. The company furthermore provides its employees with the option to recharge electric cars on the company's property free of charge.

Boll Logistik
Large Company Eco Performer, 2010
Decorated as winner company 2010 in the large company category was Boll Logistik from the Emsland region's Meppen (Lower Saxony, Germany). The company particularly stood out by taking innovative paths and because it placed responsibility towards people and nature at the center of its actions. This approach relies on a motivated staff, its families and societal commitment. As one of the founders of the Emsland region foundation "Job and Family", the company is promoting the flexible working hour approach for its employees. "We are what is driving us – and not the requirements our customers impose on us," Ulrich Boll summarises.
Award Winners 2009
In 2009, the Eco Performance Award was awarded in two categories to thereby also afford smaller companies a chance in the competition. Spedition Kellershohn from Lindlar (Germany) and Hellmann Worldwide Logistics from Osnabrück (Germany) were able to prevail against numerous competitors.

Spedition Kellershohn
Eco Performer, 2009
In 2009, Spedition Kellershohn convinced the jury with its "MUT" program and did prove that even small companies can accomplish big things with respect to sustainability. MUT [which happens to also be a capitalised version of the German word for bravery and courage] stands for "Mensch – Umwelt – Taten" (Human beings - Environment – Actions & Deeds (HEAD)). By giving special consideration to his employees' social needs, managing director Willi Kellershohn illustrates that to him, the human being takes first place in sustainable action. Because sustainable action does not just mean environmental protection but also social commitment within the company. "We count on continuing education, sponsorship or health programs," says Kellershohn.

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics
Eco Performer, 2009
In 2009, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics was able to win the jury over with its motto "Designing the Future with Sustainability" as a global player with responsibility for environment and economic efficiency, with an surprisingly creative overall concept: Hellmann anchored its sustainability principles deeply in its company philosophy and is taking on a pioneering role in the industry. For example, the family company has been aligning its service with the sustainability principle for more than 20 years already. As early as 1996, a comprehensive environmental management system was set up. This way, it was possible to determine the impacts on the environment and to reduce them early on already within the confines of technical as well as economic options. This very way, it was possible to turn the effort to offer CO2-neutral transports into a reality. Through a strong positioning in the social area while offering an attractive and family-friendly environment, the company was also able to gain points with the jury.
Award Winners 2008
In 2008 the first Eco Performance Award went to the logistics subsidiary of Metro AG, the MGL Metro Group Logistics company. The concepts submitted were to convince the jury, especially in the areas of ecology, economy and social issues. The jury, under the leadership of Prof. Wolfgang Stölzle (University of St. Gallen), honored the fact that the logistics subsidiary of Metro AG was able to significantly lower the pollutant emission, in particular.

Metro Group Losistics
Eco Performer, 2008
The Metro Group Logistics (MGL) convinced through logistical optimisations, with a telematics approach and with a clear strategy for the procurement and replacement of vehicles for the fleet. In particular, the winner did shine with the optimisation of the resource consumption within the MGL's own fleet. With 3.3 years, the average age of the vehicles is relatively low for distributor fleet. In new and replacement procurements, MGL exclusively purchased trucks with Euro 5 engines. The utilisation of GPS and mobile computers is also an economical highlight at MGL, since the tour data can be transmitted paperlessly this way. This saves work when recording the shipping documents and reduces waiting periods for the drivers.